How to update quote settings and defaults

How to update quote settings and defaults

To update the default settings for items such as trading terms, exclusions and assumptions, go to Profile > Quote Settings and Defaults.

Here you will see the default settings for the following:

  • Trading terms
  • Project duration
  • Project start date
  • Quote exclusions
  • Quote conditions
  • Quote assumptions

To add a new option to one of the above areas, click the + icon. Trading Terms +

To make an option your default choice (Trading terms, project duration and project start date), check that option.

To turn on/turn off items (Quote exclusions, Quote conditions and Quote assumptions), check/uncheck checkbox.

To delete/remove an option click on the delete x.

Once changes have been made click Submit Settings.

Note you can also update your default margins for labour and materials. Note anytime you Save Settings in your profile, it will be reviewed and approved by admin, during this time your account will be inactive.
