Request for information

Request for information

You can request further information from Fitout Builders about the project.

  • Go to FB Quotes and select view/edit quote for the project your question relates to. .
  • Select the RFI blue button at the top right and type your RFI.
  • You will get an email and a general system notification alert when you have a reply.
  • All RFI communication will remain in this RFI chat area.
  • In some cases Fitout Builders may choose to share the RFI with the other quoting builders.

Client communication

Clients may communicate with you after your quote has been submitted to help them make a final decision. You will get an email notification if you have a client question.

  • Go то My Projects then go to your quotes.
  • Click on the client communication tab, top right.
  • Here you can see the clients message and be able to send a reply.